Coyote Creek Ranch
Homozygous Paints for sale

Impressum Ritz

Color: Black Overo
Breed Paint Horse
Year: 2000
Gender: Mare

In pedigree Sonnys colored kid (ROM sire, superior performance sire); Impressum Tom (sire of halter and performance Pt earners) sonny Kidnap (Rom sire, APHA superior Perf sire, APHA Rom Sire), Sonny Dee Bar (Hall of fame, superior Halter)


Bar B Colored Ritz Sonnys Colored Kid Sonnys Kidnap
Classy Tramp
Painted On Th Ritz Im Puttinontheritz
Miss Equal Cec
Impressum Black Impressum Tom Impressive
Tails First Miss
Cheryls Chalice Square Boots
Cheryl's Gale
Coyote Creek Ranch, 12851 CR 370, Winona, TX 75792
Cell: 903-931-2102
Pictures and Content © Coyote Creek Ranch
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