1998 APHA Double Homozygous Black Tobiano Stallion
Double Registered APHA and Pinto Association
- 2009 Pinto Association - Open Steer Stopping
Horse - 1st Place Horse of the year
- 2009 Pinto Association - Open judges Team
Roping, Heeling Horse - 1st place - 2009 Horse of
the year
- 2009 Pinto World Champion Senior Heading and
Steer Stopping
- 2008 APHA World Champion Senior Steer Stopping
- 2005 APHA World Champion Senior Steer Stopping
DVD Available - Contact us!
Homozygous for the tobiano pattern and homozygous for the black gene.
Chico will always produce color and never a sorrel or chestnut.
Summers Half Moon |
Summers Chief |
Little Half Moon |
A Summer Breeze |
Skip a Kezzie |
Sky Bar Leo |
Chico's Scooter |
Color By Chick |
Ebony Bar Chick |
Featured In Color |
Bar Chic Money |
Beauty's Bar Ace |
Feature |
Painted Pudden |
Available for Stud
Chico is in the Breeder's Trust 2011 Program
Double Registered APHA and Pinto Association
Breeding Fees: $1000 (All Mares)
Multiple Mare Discount
Cooled & Frozen semen available
Collection Fee: $400
Live Colored Foal Guarantee
Go to
Breeding Contract to print your copy.
(opens in new window)
Printable Flyer
click here (opens in new window)
SummersChicoBandito's Awards
Pinto world champion SR heading and SR steer stopping, reserve
world SR heading.
Chicos Bandelero (right) -
2009 Pinto reserve champion Jr heading and Jr heeling and 3rd Jr
steer stopping. |
Over 1028 Lifetime Points as of December 2008
Placed in the Top 5 & Top 10 at the APHA World Shows in
2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 & 2006 in Steer Stopping, Heading, Heeling, & Calf
Roping! 2009, 2008 & 2005 APHA World Champion in Senior Steer Stopping.
2009 Pinto World
- World Champion SR Heading and Steer Stopping
- Reserve World Champion in SR Heeling
2009 Pinto Horse Association
- Open Steer Stopping Horse
- 1st Place - 2009 Horse of the year
- Open judges Team Roping, Heeling Horse
- 1st place - 2009 Horse of the year
2008 Houston
Livestock and Rodeo
- Reserve High Pt - Open Cattle Horse
- 1st Place - Sr. Heeling
2008 Fort Worth Stock Show
- 1st Place - Sr. Heading, Heeling and Steer
2008 APHA World Show
- World Champion Sr Steer Stopping
2008 Dixie Nationals
- High point winner in Working Cowhorse & Calf
2007 APHA World Show
2007 Dixie Nationals
- Reserve Champion Open Heading
PPHSS in Stephenville
- Won the Greatest American Paint Horse
Competition (saddle and money)
- Also won Sr. Heading, Barrels, Breakaway
Gulf Coast Paint Horse Club 2007 Awards
- #1 champion - Open Working Cow Horse
2007 Royse City
- Circuit Champion - Heading, Heeling & Steer
2007 Margarita Classic
- Circuit Champion in SR Heading
- Circuit Champion in SR Steer Stopping
- Open Saddle Division at turkey shoot - won a
2006 APHA
- World Show - 5th place in Senior Heeling
- World Show - 8th place in Senior Heading
- Open Zone 4 - Number 4
- Honor Roll Number 9 - Open Heeling
- Honor Roll Number 5 - Open Sr. Steer
- Honor Roll Number 6 - Open Steer Stopping
- Honor Roo Number 8 - Open Sr. Heeling
2006 Central Texas Paint Horse Club
- Reserve in Senior Steer Stopping
- Reserve in Senior Calf Roping
- Reserve in Senior Heading
- Champion in Senior Heeling
2006 Dixie Nationals
- Reserve Champion Steer Stopping
- Circuit Champion Heeling
- Circut Champion Steer Stopping
2006 Labor Day Classic
- Circuit Champion Heeling
- Circuit Champion Steer Stopping
- Circuit Champion Calf Roping
2005 Margarita Classic
- Circuit Champion Heading
- Circuit Champion Steer Stopping
2005 Congress
- Champion Sr Heading
- Congress Reserve Champion Sr Steer Stopping
2005 Texas Paint Horse Club
- Grand Champion in Senior Heading
- Grand Champion in Senior Tie Down Roping
- Reserve Champion Sr. Steer Stopping
- Reserve Champion Sr. Working Cowhorse
2005 APHA World Show
- World Champion Senior Steer Stopping
2005 Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo
- High Point Senior Cattle Horse
- Grand Champion (Calf Roping)
- Grand Champion (Heading)
2005 Dixie Nationals
- Grand Champion (Open Heeling)
- Reserve Champion (Sr Working Cow Horse)
- Reserve Champion (Open Steer Stopping)
- Grand Champion (Sr. Calf Roping)
- Grand Champion (Sr. Steer Stopping)
- Grand Champion (Sr. Heading)
- Grand Champion (Sr. Heeling)
- Grand Champion (Sr. Working Cow Horse)
- Grand Champion (All Around Cattle Horse)
- Open All Around Reserve Champion
2004 Texas Paint Horse Club
- Grand Champion (Sr. Calf Roping)
- Grand Champion (Sr. Heading)
- Grand Champion (Sr. Heeling)
- Grand Champion (Sr. Steer Stopping)
2004 TSCC
- Grand Champion (Sr. Calf Roping)
- Grand Champion (Sr. Heading)
- Grand Champion (Sr. Heeling)
- Grand Champion (Sr. Steer Stopping)
- Reserve Grand Champion (Calf Roping)
APHA Top Twenty Honor Roll
- #1 Junior Heading
- #1 Heeling (All Ages)
- #1 Steer Stopping (All Ages)
- #1 Junior Steer Stopping
2003 Gulf Coast Paint Horse Club
- #1 Open Heading
- #1 Open Heeling
2003 TSCC
- Grand Champion (Heading)
- Grand Champion (Heeling)
- Reserve Grand Champion (Calf Roping)